

It’s not just our animals we believe in providing the best for, but also our environment, investing in the land to preserve it for future generations.

We have planted 30,000 new trees at the Patshull Estate in 2022, in just over 2 weeks!

These trees, including a fruit orchard, will add biodiversity to our environment, encouraging birds, animals, and wildlife. They’ll reduce carbon dioxide and help to combat climate change, provide wildlife corridors. Not to mention, that when these trees are established, a walk among trees is said to enhance your mood, reduces stress and improves your mental wellbeing.

Protecting the environment for future generations is incredibly important to us. We believe in farming in a way that increases regeneration and biodiversity, all having a positive impact on the land and on our animals.

Tree planting at our Patshull Estate means that over the last decade we’ve now planted over 100,000 new trees across our farms. We strongly believe in doing all we can to protect the environment and secure its success.